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Are you looking for a career change?
Perhaps you want to stay working in care, but are looking to go further with a new company.
Or you can bring something to Avens that we don’t already have.
Whatever it is, Avens wants to help you grow as a person and to do a job that is brimming with satisfaction.
“Care work is the most rewarding job if you have smiling faces and warm hearts around you as we help build a better world for someone.“

New to Care?
It’s OK, we all start somewhere, and Avens recognises that just because you might not have the qualifications or experience (yet!) from working in care, that doesn’t mean you don’t have the capacity or ability to do the job effectively now, with a little guidance.
Where other care providers may only look to take on experienced, qualified staff so they don’t need to invest in their staffs’ development, Avens can see the advantage of helping to shape a carer into the best possible version of themselves.
Avens only expect our staff to be empathetic and to apply common sense to challenging scenarios. We provide the training, qualifications and experience which will help you go from a caring person to a professional carer.
Think you’ve got what it takes to become a great carer and enrich the lives of those around you?
Contact us for more information
Covid 19
Best practice for all
As a business, we have been embracing all the recommended procedures for preventing infection with Covid-19, for example:
We have kept our hygiene protocols and policies and procedures relating to Covid-19 up to date. We are confident that these will help prevent the spread of all ailments, even minor coughs and colds;
All of our stakeholders are reminded to use regular handwashing, appropriate PPE/social distancing, not to touch faces and to catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue or crook of the elbow. (Catch it, bin it, kill it);
Anyone who experiences any symptoms, is requested to immediately report any signs of illness, however minor, so that we can minimise any risk of spread;
Any member of staff who has travelled abroad recently, been in contact with an infected person or attended any large gatherings of people, is requested to inform their manager who will take appropriate steps to manage and minimise the risk posed to others;
Our stores are well stocked, and we are being vigilant in keeping levels off PPE appropriately high so that we can continue to provide all our services as planned and maintain the strictest hygiene practices;
We continue to keep up to date with all the latest advice from Government and health services which can be found on the GOV.UK and Public Health England websites.